Monday, November 8, 2010

Henna Tattoo Design - How to Make and Apply It

The tradition of henna tattoo design goes back thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation in the Middle Eastern culture. It used to only be found mainly at weddings and some celebrations in India, Sudan, Egypt, and Pakistan. But recently all that has changed and now henna body art is commonly displayed in the Western world.

The process of creating a henna tattoo design is pretty simple. First the dried leaves of the henna plant are ground into a powder. The powder is then combined with a liquid like eucalyptus or clove oil to form a paste. The paste is then applied to the skin through a cone or applicator bottle.

For those that have practiced or are good at creating designs and patterns, it's possible to apply it by freehand. Or for those that are starting out and are not as confident, there are useful stencils. When the design or pattern is freshly applied, it will be an orange brown color. It needs to dry for a long time and eventually flake off. It's recommended 8 or more hours to dry. The longer it is allowed to dry, the darker the stain will be. After the paste has been removed and the tattoo has had time to set, normally within 24 hours, it will turn a reddish brown color.

The advantage of a henna tattoo design compared to a permanent one is that it is painless, inexpensive, and the application is so easy that you can make and apply one to yourself. Traditional henna tattoos were normally applied to the hands and feet, but that has changed. They are now applied to visible body parts like the neck, ankles, arms, navel, back, forehead, and toes and fingernails.

Another benefit of a henna tattoo design is that you can change it up every month or two. Since they are temporary and not permanent, you can try different designs or apply to different places on the body to find what you like. The henna tattoo can last two weeks or two months, depending on how they are applied and taken care of. Find what design and pattern works for you and enjoy.

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